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School Board Meeting Information

The school board recognizes the value of participation by the public in deliberations and decisions on school district matters. At the same time, the school board recognizes the importance of conducting orderly and efficient proceedings, with opportunity for expression of all participants’ respective views.
The board welcomes community input in multiple ways.Open Forum:
The board allots up to 30 minutes near the beginning of each regular monthly board meeting for public comment on any school-related issue. Each speaker is allowed up to three minutes to address the board. Speakers need to sign in at least 5 minutes before the meeting begins. Speakers should keep their remarks within the guidelines published in the open forum portion of the agenda.

Public Hearings:
The school board occasionally holds public hearings related to single topics as required by law or by discretion of the school board. Public hearings usually include a presentation by district staff and dedicated time for community feedback.

Specific procedures for the community feedback portion of the hearing will align with our public hearing Policy 207 and will be published in the public hearing agenda.

Speakers need to sign in at least 5 minutes before the hearing begins. Speakers should keep their remarks within the guidelines published in the open forum portion of the agenda.

Board Agendas, Minutes, Videos