Food Service
Food Service Information
The Watertown-Mayer Food Service provides over 1500 lunches daily to students in grades K-12. About 17 employees work in two kitchens-- one at the elementary school and one shared between the middle school and high school.
Starting FY 23-24, all students in grades K-12 started to receive a standard breakfast and lunch free of charge. The Minnesota Free School Meals Program is now permanent. Families are still strongly encouraged to apply for Educational Benefits regardless of this change in statute because these applications impact the educational funding that our schools receive and can affect other additional fees.
A la carte is available at additional prices at the middle and high schools. Please see the a la carte menu below for general pricing based on market price and availability.
If a student chooses to eat an additional complete standard meal, the student is charged at the pricing below. These prices are subject to change.
All elementary and middle school students are encouraged to eat a school lunch or bring a bag lunch unless they have a note from home excusing them from eating lunch on a particular day. Milk purchased to accompany a bag/ home lunch is an additional fee- see below.
Meal Prices
Breakfast Prices | 24-25 1st Meal |
24-25 2nd Meal |
Grades K-4 | Free | $2.40 |
Grades 5-12 | Free | $2.40 |
Adult | $2.40 | $2.40 |
Milk Grades K-12: $0.60 |
Lunch Prices | 24-25 1st Meal |
24-25 2nd Meal |
Grades K-4 | Free | $5.00 |
Grades 5-12 | Free | $5.00 |
Adult | $5.00 | $5.00 |
Milk Grades K-12: $0.60 Note: Milk included ONLY with standard breakfast or lunch for FREE. |
A La Carte Prices
Item | Price |
Fruit Snack (lg.) | $2.50 |
Bottled Water | $1.00 |
Uncrustable | $2.00 |
Capri Sun | $1.25 |
Bubbl'r | $3.25 |
Sidekick Slushie | $2.00 |
Propel | $2.75 |
Rice Krispie | $1.25 |
Pepsi Products | $2.75 |
V8 Energy | $3.25 |
Kick Start | $3.25 |
Chips | $1.50 |
Cookie | $1.25 |
Fruit by the Foot | $1.00 |
Gatorade | $3.00 |
Sparkling Ice | $2.50 |
Sparkling Ice CAFF | $3.25 |
Izze | $2.00 |
Bottled Juice | $2.50 |
Ice Cream Cup | $1.25 |
Ice Cream Bar | $1.00 |
Drumstick | $2.50 |
Lunch Accounts
Parents can add money to students' lunch account when logged in to the Parent Portal.
Log in to the Parent Portal.
On the left side of the screen, choose Food Service.
Click Pay.
Add money to the appropriate account(s).
Taher Website & App
Special Diet Accomodations
The district will make accommodations to meals and/or snacks on a case-by-case basis for participants who are considered to have a disability that restricts their diet.
Please have the Special Diet Statement form completed and signed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse, such as a certified nurse practitioner. Updates to this form are required only when a participant’s needs change.
Parents/Guardians may provide a written request for lactose-reduced milk without a physician’s signature.