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Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices


Repair costs will be the responsibility of the family as outlined below.  
If a device insurance was purchased and the device was unintentionally damaged, please bring the device to the applicable media center. A repair will be processed and where possible, a loaner device will be provided to the student. Costs will run through the insurance plan as outlined below.

Insurance will cover hardware failure, theft, repair, and accidental damage. It does not include deliberate or negligent damage to theChromebook. There is a $150.00 family cap.
Effective Coverage Date: Date of insurance payment.
Expiration Date: Last day of the school year or the day the student withdraws from school, whichever comes first.

Note: If a student withdraws from the district this insurance agreement becomes null and void on that date. There are no refunds once this agreement becomes active on the date the Chromebook or iPad is issued.


  • First occurrence: Repair covered by insurance.
  • Second occurence: Repair costs split 50/50 between family and district.
  • Third occurrence: Repair cost is the full responsibility of the family.


  • First occurence: Family pays $100 deductible.
  • Second occurrence: Family pays cost of device replacement.

If a district-owned device is damaged intentionally, it must be reported to staff as soon as possible. A repair will be processed as quickly as possible, but no loaner will be provided to the student. Student discipline will be given following the existing Watertown-Mayer School policy. All costs associated with repairing the damaged device will be the responsibility of the student and family. Insurance policies will not be in effect for costs associated with intentional damage of school property.

If no device insurance was purchased, the family assumes all costs associated with device repairs.