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Watertown-Mayer Public Schools offers a wide variety of student athletics and activities.
Watertown-Mayer Activities
Co-Curricular activities play an important role in the educational experience at Watertown-Mayer Public Schools.
- Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic sports and activities.
- Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, and how to win and lose gracefully are an integral part of each experience.
- Participants gain confidence which leads to higher grade-point averages, better attendance records, lower drop-out rates, fewer discipline problems and ultimately higher graduation rates!
- We believe that the opportunity for participation in a wide variety of student selected activities is a vital part of the student's educational experience.
- What happens on our fields, courts and stages matter in the development of our participants.
- We strive to develop and challenge our participants through activities in preparation for life’s challenges.
Activities Staff
Paul Szymanski
Activities Director
Deb Neaton
Activities Secretary
Max Cerny
Athletic Trainer
News & Announcements
Congratulations to the Royal Gymnastics team for their 2025 Section 5A Championship.
William Mandt named MSHSL ExCel Finalists 2025
Congratulations to the Royal Wrestlers, 2025 WCC Champions!
Congratulations to the Royal Gymnastics Team!