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Watertown-Mayer Public Schools offers a wide variety of student athletics and activities.

Activities Registration

Watertown-Mayer Activities

Co-Curricular activities play an important role in the educational experience at Watertown-Mayer Public Schools.  

  • Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic sports and activities. 
  • Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition, and how to win and lose gracefully are an integral part of each experience. 
  • Participants gain confidence which leads to higher grade-point averages, better attendance records, lower drop-out rates, fewer discipline problems and ultimately higher graduation rates! 
  • We believe that the opportunity for participation in a wide variety of student selected activities is a vital part of the student's educational experience.  
  • What happens on our fields, courts and stages matter in the development of our participants.   
  • We strive to develop and challenge our participants through activities in preparation for life’s challenges.  


Activities & Athletics Fees

Activities Staff

Paul Szymanski

Paul Szymanski
Activities Director

Deb Neaton

Deb Neaton
Activities Secretary

Max Cerny

Max Cerny
Athletic Trainer

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